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An introduction to me

I am a French Canadian university educated Federal Civil Servant. The married parent of two teenage boys and have an immense love for reading and music. I tend to write more about what I feel and believe, but I also like to write fictional short stories. I have a wide variety of tastes, (science fiction, mysteries, fantasies) in my literature, and will read whatever I find interesting. I come from a Catholic family, but they were mostly non-practising, and I have come to doubt my church, (because of the men who run it) but not my belief in my God. I was born in 1961, and grew up in the 70's. Disco and rock and roll were constant companions on my tape deck, just as flared pants and colourful shirts were my favourite clothing.

I do not like the company of men, probably because of the ones in my life while I was growing up, and because I was always more comfortable with women. Depression has always been my constant companion, but it has started to fade away from my life, once I have came to the realization that transforming my body is the only way to save me. Everyone of my extended family and coworkers have supported my decision to change my gender.

I sing when I'm alone, and dance, by myself, when I can. I am lonely, in a house full of people, but have recently found the love that I've never had. I am a Sensitive Soul and am empathic to other people. I am always there to help others, and try to help alleviate their suffering. I am allergic to cats, but have a 5 year old Pomeranian who runs our house.

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